- Interview with Luke Martin & Noah Ophoven-Baldwin (EN/中文)
- Interview with Cosimo Fiaschi (EN/中文)
- Interview with Anne-F Jacques (2024, EN/中文)
- Interview with Dominique Vaccaro (2024, EN/中文)
- 朱文博和照骏园的互相采访(2023,中文)
- Interview with Carina Khorkhordina (2023, EN/中文)
- Interview with Li Weisi (2023, 中文/EN)
- Interview with Huang Shan (2023, 中文/EN)
- Interview with Angelo Bignamini (2022, EN/中文)
- Interview with Masahide Tokunaga (2022, EN/中文)
- 后卫的音乐:意识反馈团的一次内部采访(2022, 中文)
- Interview with Noah Ophoven-Baldwin (2022, EN/中文)
- Interview with Taku Sugimoto (2021, EN/中文)
- Interview with Straytone (2020, EN/中文)
- Interview with Takashi Masubuchi (2020, EN/中文)
- Interview with Cristián Alvear (2019, EN / 中文)
- Interview with Yuma Takashita (2018, EN/中文)
- Interview with Kayu Nakada (2018, EN/中文)
- 卖卖短采访 (2018, 中文)
- Interview with Ake (2017, EN/中文)
- Interview with No Performance (2016, EN/中文)
- Interview with Ryosuke Kiyasu (2016, 中文/ English)
- 采访卡列宁--关于白象(2015年,中文)
- 采访Pairs乐队的8个朋友(2014,中文)
- 采访The Observatory (2013, 中文)