PARADE is organized by Tadashi Yonago and Kayu Nakada living in Osaka. It is an event in the open air for sounds since Aug 2017, that held on an irregular base. Artists play at a spot they choose, such of a road side of downtown, residential area, parks, riverside… And we can listen the performance fused with the situation/atmosphere of the place.
“游行”由住在大阪的米子匡司和中田粥组织策划。这是一个户外的声音表演系列,不定期举行。音乐人自己选择地点表演:闹市的路边、居民区、公园、河边…… 我们听到了演出,也听到了周围的气氛。
A1. Kayu Nakada - Shinjuku Central Park, Tokyo - August 10, 2019 One summer day, Kayu Nakada played bridge railings with audiences. 在一个夏日,中田粥和观众一起演奏桥梁栏杆。
A2. Tadashi Yonago & Kayu Nakada - Arroceros Forest Park, Manila - October 27, 2019 Tadashi Yonago played Flash Light Synthesizers he made and Kayu Nakada played bamboo. 米子匡司:自制手电筒合成器;中田粥:竹子
A3. Takahiro Yamamoto - Baika East Park, Osaka - December 23, 2018 Takahiro Yamamoto played vinyls with audiences. Then he played a new vinyl made by pieces of that vinyls. ヤマモトタカヒロ和观众一起演奏黑胶唱片,之后他用这些唱片的碎片拼成了一张新唱片。
A4. Yuma Takeshita - Rokkenya-river, Osaka - March 17, 2018 Early evening, at a river side. Yuma Takeshita played rolling speakers he made. 入夜稍早的时候,竹下勇馬在河边演奏他的旋转扬声器。
A5. Masafumi Ezaki - PORT, Osaka - February 2, 2019 Masafumi Ezaki listened and compared sounds by several brands of carbonated waters. 江崎將史比较不同品牌碳酸水的声音。
B1.Tadashi Yonago - Shinjuku Central Park, Tokyo - August 10, 2019 Tadashi Yonago plays Flash lights and the modified sprinkler. 米子匡司:手电筒与改装喷头
B2. Satoshi Kanda - Shorenji-river Park, Osaka - February 2, 2019 Audiences were watching smartphone and walking about in the park. Their smartphones were showing message from Satoshi Kanda, and making sounds programmed by him. 观众在公园里边走边看手机。神田聡将他编程的声音和信息发送到观众的手机里。
B3. Muku Kobayashi - Nooo Kitty, Osaka - September 30, 2017 Late of evening at a rooftop, sounds of moving sculptures made by Muku Kobayashi. 深夜的屋顶,小林椋的活动雕塑发出了声音。
designed by Liu Lu