2007年前后卖卖有一个噪音摇滚乐队 Muscle Snog,乐队解散后他开始更多专注于自由即兴。在这位吉他手正值炉火纯青之时,他却忽然又放下电吉他和效果器,用一把木琴翻唱起披头士。这可能是卖卖第一次尝试演奏木吉他;此外还有他的开嗓演唱,Muscle Snog 之后我们很久没有听到他唱歌了。都是很意外的事,仔细想想又顺理成章。
卖卖从来不曾掩饰他对披头士的喜爱,在 Muscle Snog 的专辑《Mind Shop》中即收录有《A Day in the Life》的翻唱版本。然而《卖卖演奏披头士》又不是纯粹的翻唱,或爵士乐手基于标准曲的翻玩改编。在这张专辑中,卖卖在房间里支起麦克风与音箱,通过吉他演奏与人声演唱,触发麦克风与音箱之间的回授。在这个过程里,披头士音乐中的所有精华被尽皆抹去,它们成为一些“材料”,供雕塑家使用。
吉他:Martin M-38
音箱:Yamaha hs8
麦克风:Rode NT-5
应该是在1997年的某个中午,那年我初二,第一次在电视机上看到The Beatles。MTV天籁村,放的是“I Want to Hold Your Hand”的MV,黑白的现场,那是Beatles带给我的第一次颤栗。
2001年我在郊区一所寄宿高中复读,那天是圣诞节,我躺在澡堂改成的男生宿舍里,听着列侬和小野洋子唱的 “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)”。当时我似乎真的哭出来了。这也算在Beatles带来的颤栗中吧,第三次。从那以后,这样的颤栗再未出现过。
Around 2007, MAI mai had a noise rock band, Muscle Snog. After the band disbanded, he began to focus more on free improvisation. When this guitarist was at the peak of his career, he suddenly put down his electric guitar and effects pedals and sang Beatles covers on an acoustic guitar. This may be MAI mai’s first attempt at playing acoustic guitar; in addition is his singing. We haven’t heard him voice for a long time since Muscle Snog. These were all unexpected things, but they made sense when we think about it carefully.
MAI mai has never concealed his love for the Beatles. Muscle Snog’s album “Mind Shop” includes a cover version of “A Day in the Life”. However, “MAI mai Plays the Beatles” is not a pure cover, or a jazz musician’s playing standards. In this album, MAI mai set up a pair of microphones and speakers in the room, and triggered feedback between the microphone and speakers through guitar playing and vocal singing. In this process, all the essence of the Beatles’ music was wiped out, and they became some “materials” for the sculptor to use.
Martin M-38 acoustic guitar
Yamaha hs8 powered speaker system
Rode NT-5 pair microphones
Design: Liu Lu
Regarding the Beatles, MAI mai also wrote his own memories:
It should be a noon of 1997, when I was in the 2nd grade of middle school, I saw the music video of the Beatles “I Want to Hold Your Hand”on MTV channel. A live performance, black and white. It was the first “thriller” The Beatles brought to me.
The second “thriller” was in 1999, when I was in grade one of high school. The day before, I bought the so-called “white album” in a cracked cassette shop. That day I went to attend a kind of “little campus writer seminar” with my schoolmaster and a senior. On my way back home by bike, I began to listen to the double-cassettes. After this “thriller”, I talked with the senior who also loves rock music about grouping a band. But neither of us had learnt or even had any instrument. We just talked about it and thought we were in a band for quite a long time.
In 2001, I was a restudy student in a boarding high school. On the Christmas Eve, I listened to John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” lying in the bed in my dorm, which was rebuilt from a shower room. I cried out. It should be count as a “thriller” brought by the Beatles, the third one. After that, it never happened again.
MAI mai
April, 2016Translated by Vavabond