2022年開始以日記的方式慢慢消釋那些層層疊積密實乾燥、落在語言文字外的… 共累積100件人聲調變錄音,以50台卡帶機收錄作為封印。6月於高雄幻廳舉辦個展《一百天的訴辯》,現場歡迎觀眾以喜歡的方式讓卡帶合唱。
展覽也延伸出音樂作品,卡帶《A cappella》中,收錄兩首曲目:A面是100軌人聲錄音疊錄、B面則展覽現場的錄音紀錄。
Beginning in 2022, I started to process those layered, dense, dry, and beyond-words matters in the form of a voice diary. Gradually, I gathered a collection of 100 modulated voice recordings that were sealed on 50 cassette players. In June, these cassette players were set in my solo exhibition “100 Shits”(一百天的訴辯) staged at Hallucination in Kaohsiung. It allowed the audience to select how they would like the tapes to play.
The exhibition also included a musical work entitled “A Cappella,” which features two tracks. Side A is a combination of 100 overlapped vocal recordings, while Side B is a live recording from the exhibition.
--- Huang Shan
Lip Service.zip: Vocals and mixed by Huang Shan Mastering by Tseng Kweiwen
100 Shits: Live recording at Hallucination, Kaohsiung Mastering by Zhu Wenbo
Artwork by Huang Shan Design by Lin Chia Jung
more Lip Service: https://huangshan0307.bandcamp.com/album/lip-service