Anne-F Jacques 住在魁北克的蒙特利尔。大约是从10年前她开始做 crustacés tapes,然后在去年她结束了这个厂牌,又开始了一个新厂牌 presses précaires。我非常喜欢她的出品,我们交换过很多磁带,海运总是特别慢。我们也有一些共同的朋友,但我们从来没有见过面。看情况似乎未来几年里怕是也很难见到彼此。
Anne-F 推荐了两个朋友。Pablo Picco 是一位阿根廷乐手,他通常使用的代号是 Bardo Todol,他也从今年开始运作他自己的厂牌 Bolinga Everest。我总是想象他是一位热情又神秘的父亲,和他的家庭一起住在南美洲的大草原,远离人类文明(Pablo 在此更正说:我住的地方距离大城市50公里,并没有那么远!)。另一位朋友是 Christian Schiefner aka. Chemiefaserwerk,他的厂牌 Falt 也有好几年了,其实我们之前也交换过磁带。他住在法国,但好像他其实是柏林人。很多人都在 Falt 发行过作品,包括 Pablo, Anne-F 还有我自己。这真是我们之间的隐秘连结。
这就是“飘浮的磁带”整个的背景故事。它会有四个发行,有着同样的名字,但是不同的语言。你手里的这盘磁带是第二个。它由 Anne-F Jacques 和 Bardo Todol 表演录制,Chemiefaserwerk 混音制作,在燥眠夜发行。在接下来的几个月里,还将有两盘磁带出现在世界的其它角落里。希望你喜欢。
—— 朱文博,2021年11月,北京。
Anne-F Jacques lives in Montreal, Québec. She started running crustacés tapes from 10 years ago, and in last year she stopped it and start a new label named presses précaires. I always love the sound she made, and we traded cassettes many times, shipping always taking too many days. We have not met each other though we have some common friends, and seems it might be difficult in the following a few years.
In the summer of 2021, we started talking about some possible collaborations. A collaboration between two tiny cassette label runners, I thought it could be an interesting idea. Then, I had the idea to invite two other cassette label runners friends to join this game. For each release, two persons contribute sound materials, the third person make some arrangement and mix (only using these materials), and the final product is released on the fourth person’s label. We change roles each time, so each person will act twice as a musician, once as a producer, and once as a publisher. And each person’s work will not be published on their own label.
Anne-F suggested two friends. Pablo Picco is an Argentine musician who works under the name Bardo Todol, and has just started the label Bolinga Everest this year. I always imagine him as a passionate and mysterious father, living with his family in the campo faraway from any civilization (comment form Pablo: I live 50km away from a big city, not that far away from civilization!). And Christian Schiefner aka. Chemiefaserwerk, who has been running Falt for many years, actually we have traded cassettes before. He lives in France, but it seems he is from Berlin. So many people have released their stuff on Falt, including Pablo, Anne-F and myself. It is one of many secret links between us.
We spent days preparing, recording, mixing, asking for more materials, and thinking about a name for this project. One day, some old views came back to my mind.
When I was a teenager, mid-1990s, broken and loose tape could always be found in cities, even in the country. They were ripped on wire, on tree, or hidden in some corners. After some breeze, the black tape was floating in the air. No one had any interest in knowing what was recorded on these tapes. Maybe English teaching or pirated pop songs, or private messages, sound diary, radio programs…
After 2000s, this view became rare and then disappeared. But now I think, “floating tape” can be a good name for our collaborations. Tapes is soft, dirty and inconspicuous, but in another imaginary, these dirty tapes could be transported by wind, floating across the ocean, and reach to another un-met friend in an undetected way.
That is the whole story of “floating tape”. There will be four releases, sharing a same title but in different languages. The cassette you hold in your hand, released by Zoomin’ Night, is the second one. It was performed by Anne-F Jacques and Bardo Todol and mixed by Chemiefaserwerk. In the coming months, another 2 cassettes will come out in some other corners of the world. Hope you enjoy.
Zhu Wenbo, Nov, 2021, Beijing
Anne-F Jacques: objects, motors, amplification
Bardo Todol: Rotating winco surface, mics, percussion, vinyls, tapes
Mixed by Chemiefaserwerk
Mastering by Anne-F Jacques
Art design by Liu Lu
ruban flottant on presses précaires, sound by Bardo Todol and Chemiefaserwerk, mixed by Zhu Wenbo