My Bloody Sex Party 是一支山东临沂的摇滚乐队,目前的平均年龄应该刚过 16 岁。
他们组建于 2020 年的夏天。那时候是暑假,刚刚结束了中考,四位同学决定组建一支乐队。他们是刘(吉他,唱),尚(贝斯),庄(吉他),李(鼓)。在传统的摇滚乐器之外,他们也使用了大量的非常规乐器——从比较常见的提琴、二胡、三弦、琵琶,到非常罕见的西塔琴、维纳琴,或是匪夷所思的计算器。此外还有一些改装的乐器与加料演奏,比如装上了吉他弦的电贝斯,用弓拉琵琶,或是用笔在吉他上划过。
他们用一个多月的时间写歌,排练,在一位成员母亲的废弃的办公室里完成了录音。他们使用手机录音,然后用一台看上去有点旧的台式电脑混音,最后保存为 mp3 格式。
在正式升入高中之前,这张专辑完成了。四位成员后来分别去了不同的学校。鉴于曲目的时间太长(总长度超过 150 分钟),这套专辑将分作三辑在燥眠夜逐次发行。
My Bloody Sex Party is Liu, Shang, Li and Zhuang. Teenagers hailing from Linyi, Shandong province, they formed the band in the summer holidays of 2020, having just finished middle school together. They rehearsed in a disused office space which belonged to a real estate company, recording the album on mobile phone. At the end of the summer, the four classmates went on to different high schools.
Liu: acoustic guitar, bowed guitar, bowed pipa, bowed zheng, erhu, electric guitar
Zhuang: acoustic guitar, violin, baroque guitar, bowed guitar, 12-string guitar, electric guitar, voice
Shang: bass guitar, prepared bass guitar
Li: drums, calculator, voice
voice sample on “I’d Love To Turn You On”: google
bass guitar sample on “Cool And Good”: John Entwistle
Mastered by Hiroyuki Ura
Designed by Liu Lu