Cristián Alvear:吉他 / 作曲 / 录音 / 混音 / 母带
Cristián Alvear 是一位智利的吉他手。他使用的传统的尼龙弦古典吉他。
Cristián 是在当下非常活跃的一位新音乐乐手。在过去的几年里,Cristián 参与了很多当代作曲家的作品录制,包括 Manfred Werder, Michael Pisaro, Radu Malfatti, Jürg Frey, Antoine Beuger, Santiago Astaburuaga, 杉本拓… 他所参与的作品在 Edition Wandelweiser Records(德国),Another Timbre(英国),Mappa(斯洛伐克),Ftarri(日本),Potlatch(法国)等厂牌发行。
演奏与录制之外,Cristián 也参与这些实验性音乐的推广。他是智利的实验音乐节 Relincha festival的组织者,和 Santiago Astaburuaga(另一位当代智利新音乐场景里的重要人物)以及他们的乐团项目LOTE一起创作表演实验曲目。在智利之外,他也频繁的参加欧洲、拉丁美洲与亚洲的音乐节以及现场表演。
seis pequeñas piezas para guitarra 意为“六段吉他小曲”。磁带里收录的是 Cristián 自己的作曲作品。极简的音乐变化结构里,暗藏着丰富的频响共振以及高超的吉他演奏技巧,展现了他近期的音乐方向。
Cristián Alvear: guitar and composition
Recorded at Chicureo, Santiago de Chile on December 2018 by Cristián Alvear
Mixed and mastered by Cristián Alvear
Dedicated to Nicolás Carrasco and Santiago Astaburuaga
Design by Liu Lu
About Cristián Alvear
Chilean musician dedicated to the performance, premiere and recording of experimental and contemporary music. He serves as curator of the experimental music festival Relincha, in Valdivia, Chile and he conducts, along with Santiago Astaburuaga, LOTE, ensemble whose work is based on performing and premiering experimental scores. Constantly performing in Chile as well at international festivals and concert venues in Europe, South America and Asia, over recent years he has concentrated its efforts in performing educational concerts in rural areas of the Los Lagos region, in southern Chile. His work has been published by Edition Wandelweiser Records (DE), Irritable Hedgehog (US), Another Timbre (UK), Potlatch (FR), 1000Füssler (DE), Mappa (SK), Lengua de Lava (MX), Caduc (CA) and B-Boim Records (Austria) among others.