Recent posts
- Three new releases on November, 2024
Sid Frank: Beijing 1988 Luke Martin & Noah Ophoven-Baldwin: Nighttime Block Pablo Picco: Sólo una pobre canción da vueltas por mi guitarra Sid Frank加拿大音乐人。曾以“冷热爸爸”为代号在中国做演出。《Beijing 1988》是他为自己多年前在北京拍摄的录像带而做的配乐作品,使用电子设备与MIDI乐器,并采样了原始录音带中的声音以及80年代在北京生活时友人所赠的mixtape。录制于2024年8月,蒙特利尔。磁带B面收录从原始录像带中导出的田野录音...
Interview of the day
- Interview with Straytone (2020, EN/中文)
An interview with Straytone for 2527, by Zhu Wenbo and Zhu Songjie Q: What kind of sound do you like? Can you describe it in detail? Would you use a modular synthesizer to simulate the sound you imagined? I like timbre made with very high frequency (more than 10k Hz) sine wave or/and very low freque...