Cassette reborn. Many new music release in this format again. But I also found that, many collectors don’t have good cassette player. Sometimes they just use a cheap walkman, with a small build-in speaker. I don’t think it is good for listening, especially compared to the money and time spend on music production… (ok, you could still say, the sound is unique, but…)
But I still want to do something for these lofi equipment. Also with my interests for sine wave. So it comes out, Practice II.
It is a “real” cassette album, no digital music for download.
Actually it is very simple, just some slow shifting of sine waves(side a has two sine waves, side b has three). I use home cassette desk for recording directly from my computer one by one. And cassettes are in different length, new or old, blank or not. So every cassette is different.
And in recording, I set all the signal to max. So the cassette sounds totally different with the original sine wave files, with some background noise, wave’s change, frequency filter… Actually the frequency I use is super high, it is hard to recorded to cassette in normal way.
The recordings are in stereo, but I recommend to play in mono system.